Description of the job
Job Description
About the role
Location: #107 1835 Gordon Drive, Kelowna BC, V1Y 3H4
The Job Developer is responsible for providing individualized services to employers and clients in order to achieve Labour Market Attachment for clients who are unlikely to find work on their own or work in a competitive labour market and need access to the hidden job market and employers. Job Development Services provide the clients with direct support to job match, refer to, and negotiate with employers for new job opportunities that may exist based on the needs, skills and abilities of the client and individual employer needs. Job Development Services are provided in WorkBC Centre and the community at employer locations depending on the type of service and individual client needs. Clients in Job Development Services who require intensive support for job retention and maintenance will also be provided with additional, post-employer services and follow up support that increases the client's ability to maintain Employment.
What you’ll do
- Eligibility determination – provide assessment services to determine the need for Job Development Services. Assessment findings and a rationale detailing the need for Job Development services must be detailed within the clients ICM case file.
- Develop a plan that details the activities the client will undertake while participating in Job Development Services.
- Create opportunities for employment by being solution oriented, proactively marketing specific clients to specific employers for direct job placement/matching opportunities including, volunteer, part-time and full-time paid employment placements, job shadowing, informational interviews, and work experience placements. (Work placement options may include work experiences, Wage Subsidy, place and train, job shadowing, job carving, job simulation, job sharing, on-the-job training).
- Assist leadership team in planning and hosting hiring fair events within our centres/catchment.
- Host job club to support job seekers to explore current labour market opportunities.
- Stay attuned to local community employment related venues and market WorkBC services on behalf of the centre.
- Assist in promoting centre employment services to potential employers and/or assist in assessing and identifying any employer hiring needs and advising on most appropriate service to best support needs.
- Regular attendance/presentations at local Job Fairs and other employer related networking opportunities.
- Represent and assist with the arrangement and facilitation of any in-house or external job fairs, and provide any direct referral candidates to employers to aid in expediting client and employers' hiring needs.